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In September, the Brazilian Ministry of Health launches the Green September campaign for organ donation. The campaign aims to raise awareness of the importance of donations, which is often the only life expectancy or resumption for those on the waiting list for a transplant.

A single donor can save countless lives. However, misinformation, the rejection of the family in donating and the low time of organ ischemia make donations difficult. In addition, organ waiting lists across the country are extremely long, and the number of donations is far below national demand.

Doctor holding a heart

Doctor with heart for donation

Despite this, Brazil is a world reference in transplants, being the 2nd largest transplant recipient in the world behind only the United States. More than 90% of transplants performed in the country are performed through the Unified Health System (SUS), completely free of charge.

In times of pandemic, care is redoubled

Transplantation is a surgical procedure, which consists of the replacement of a sick organ of the recipient (patient), by an organ or healthy tissue of a living donor or with proven brain death.

With the Covid-19 pandemic (new coronavirus), doctors and hospitals need increased attention throughout the organ transplantation process. The Brazilian Ministry of Health, like other countries, has issued new recommendations for organ collection and transplant processes in the recipient.

With this, the entity reinforces the need to pay attention to the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE’s), such as procedure gloves. This care is essential to avoid contamination of the healthy organ, which would compromise the transplant and the health of the recipient.

Doctors in the operating room, showing only the hands of doctors

Organ donation surgery

Therefore, hospitals and the entire medical team involved in the organ transplantation process need to be attentive, among other care, to:

  • Acquisition of quality procedure gloves, taking into account the origin and protective capacity offered by the material;
  • Total attention to the correct footwear process of the gloves, respecting the proper hygiene of the hands;
  • Also pay attention to the process of removing and disposing of gloves.
  • Pay attention to wearing gloves in the correct size for the hands, avoiding perforations or sliding gloves from the hands.

Image of Maxitex gloves with powder)

Maxitex Gloves

Image of maxitex PF gloves without powder)

Maxitex PF Gloves











Maxitex Surgical Gloves are high quality surgical gloves made of 100% natural latex with anatomical shape and high tactile sensitivity. They are ideal for use in various surgical procedures, including organ capture and transplantation processes, offering an effective protection barrier to prevent all types of cross-contamination through the hands.

Available in powdered (Maxitex) and powder-free (Maxitex PF) models, the gloves are sterile, and ideal for surgical practice in hospitals, medical, veterinary, dental clinics and laboratories.

Kevenoll do Brasil works with high quality products with guaranteed efficiency. Our products are tested and approved by INMETRO, and have the comfort and protection that your team needs.

Click here to know all Kevenoll products from Brazil, or ask for your budget here.

Source: Ministry of Health