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Blood plays a very important role in the human body. Its main function is to transport oxygen and nutrients to the tissues, in addition to ensuring that carbon dioxide is carried to the lungs and hormones act in various parts of the body.
However, unfortunately there are diseases that affect it and deserve our attention. The good news is that if they are caught early, they can be treated and properly managed. Follow on our blog which are the main blood diseases, and treatments indicated for each one.


Anemia is characterized by an abnormal amount of hemoglobin in the blood. That is, the values ​​indicated in the blood count are lower than normal. The anemic person lacks essential nutrients for the body, such as iron, zinc, proteins and vitamin B12. Children, pregnant women, lactating women and adolescents are more likely to develop anemia. The main symptoms are: fatigue, paleness and lack of appetite. Treatment should be done through medication and a diet rich in iron.


Hemophilia is the disorder caused when there is no proper blood clotting. The person bleeds profusely after an injury or injury, often bleeding.
Large and intense bruises, bleeding for no apparent reason and swelling in the joints are the main symptoms of the disease. The treatment consists of applications of plasma injections and coagulants.

Platelet disorder

Platelets have the main function of fighting blood loss caused by cuts or injuries, even if they are small. This disorder occurs when they present a greater or lesser number in their production.
This increases the risk of developing some diseases such as arthritis, lymphoma or leukemia, lupus, hypersplenism and idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. Interrupting and avoiding medications that cause bleeding are the main treatment actions for this disease.

When to see a doctor

The recommendation to seek medical help is made for all cases in which you experience an unusual symptom, especially when it is persistent. When experiencing any of the above symptoms it is important that you look for a doctor, and be aware that he is using the appropriate PPE: Gloves, Masks and surgical caps.
The information in this Blog was extracted from the website of the Ministry of Health of Brazil.